eL-Tarbawi Vol. IV, No. 1, 2011

Halaman Depan Jurnal Pendidikan Islam eL-Tarbawi, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2011

Editorial Jurnal Pendidikan Islam eL-Tarbawi, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2011

Kekerasan dalam bentuk apapun selalu identik dengan penyimpangan dan pelanggaran terhadap nilai-nilai moral. Maka, kekerasan umumnya terjadi di tempat atau situasi di mana tingkat anomali nilai moralnya sangat rendah dan anonimitasnya sangat tinggi. Misalnya, di terminal, di wilayah konflik, atau dalam kerumunan (demo, kerusuhan, dll). Kekerasan bisa juga identik dengan kelompok yang memang memiliki nilai-nilai mereka sendiri yang mengijinkan kekerasan demi mencapai tujuan mereka. Misalnya, kelompok penjahat atau rezim penguasa yang kejam.

Namun, bagaimana jika kekerasan terjadi di lingkungan yang memiliki nilai-niali moral yang jelas, batasan-batasan benar-salah yang juga jelas serta dilakukan oleh mereka yang terdidik akan nilai-nilai tersebut, yang dalam hal ini adalah sekolah atau kampus? Kenyataannya, kekerasan dalam dunia pendidikan selalu muncul setiap saat yang bahkan tidak jarang menimbulkan korban jiwa. Tawuran pelajar, agresi, bullying, atau pelecehan seksual adalah beberapa contoh yang bisa disebutkan. Apakah dunia pendidikan Indonesia telah gagal dalam membangun moral anak didiknya? Pendidikan yang baik adalah pendidikan yang tidak hanya membuat anak menjadi pintar, tetapi juga membuat mereka menjadi baik. Menjadi baik sejatinya adalah sebuah proses, proses yang berlangsung terus menerus salama hidup untuk menyadari dan merasakan keberadaan orang lain dan semua lingkungan di luar diri si anak. Bukan hanya pada saat ini, tetapi juga pada masa yang akan datang. Profil anak seperti ini oleh Rhenald Kasali disebut dengan istilah manusia pembelajar. ‘Menjadi baik’ ini akan melahirkan sikap empati, peduli dengan orang lain dan lingkungan di sekitarnya, selalu mementingkan kebaikan bersama dan selalu menjaga perilaku untuk tidak merugikan diri, orang lain dan lingkungannya.

Maka dari itu, pendidikan yang ideal seharusnya tidak hanya membangun intelektualitas, tetapi juga moralitas secara nyata. Jurnal el-Tarbawi edisi kali ini mengetengahkan ide-ide dan gagasan-gagasan mengenai bagaimana membangun pendidikan nir-kekerasan sekaligus agar pendidikan tidak melahirkan bibit-bibit kekerasan. Beberapa diantaranya adalah Ahmad Darmadji yang mengulas akar kekerasan dari aspek personal dan bagaimana pendidikan Islam dapat menggali dan memaksimalkan potensi kepribadian yang baik dan mengeliminasi kepribadian yang buruk melalui tulisannya yang berjudul Perilaku Prososial vs Kekerasan Sosial: Sebuah Tinjauan Pendidikan Islam. Sedangkan Junanah secara khusus membahas Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) sebagai upaya paling awal untuk membentuk kompentensi sosial, emosional, dan intelektual anak. Pembentukan kompetensi sosial, emosional, dan intelektual sejak dini akan lebih efektif untuk mereduksi potensi kekerasan yang dilakukan oleh seseorang, demikian salah satu poin penting dari tulisan ini.

Selanjutnya, Aang Kunaepi mengulas upaya mengurangi kekerasan dalam pendidikan melalui internalisasi budaya religius dan PAI (Pendidikan Agama Islam) yang efektif dalam proses belajar-mengajar. Dalam tulisan ini dijelaskan nilai-nilai utama yang harus ditanamkan terhadap para siswa. Kemudian, secara berkelanjutan, Muhammad Idrus memamparkan artikel mengenai upaya menciptakan strategi pembelajaran yang efektif dan menyenangkan di kelas. Penggunaan strategi pembelajaran ini akan menghindarkan cara-cara pembelajaran yang mengandung kekerasan sekaligus meningkatkan efektifitas para siswa dalam memahami materi pelajaran.

Secara lebih spesifik, Ahmad Baliyo Eko menjabarkan tulisan mengenai bullying di sekolah. Dalam tulisan ini dijelaskan mengenai definisi bullying, ruang lingkupnya, contoh kasus, hingga upaya-upaya untuk menangani dan mencegah terjadinya bullying. Kemudian, tulisan yang juga bertemakan topik menarik yang spesifik disampaikan oleh Djuwariyah yang memaparkan hasil penelitiannya di SMK Muhammadiyah Pakem yang berjudul Hubungan Kontrol Diri Guru dengan Intensi Melakukan Kekerasan Terhadap Siswa yang mengungkap sisi personal guru dalam proses terjadinya kekerasan. Hujair AH.

Sanaky secara khusus mengkritisi Masa Orientasi Siswa dan Perkenalan Mahasiswa. Dalam praktiknya MOS, OSPEK, PESTA atau apapun istilahnya di dunia pendidikan dalam pandangannya perlu dihentikan jika tidak sesuai dengan visi dan misi pendidikan. Untuk melaksanakan pendidikan tanpa kekerasan diperlukan penanaman nilai nilai, perilaku prososial, mendisiplinkan peserta didik dengan cara yang positif, mengajari cara-cara menyelesaikan masalah konflik tanpa kekerasan dengan diikuti pedoman yang jelas. Kontrol perlu dilakukan terhadap berbagai kegiatan yang dilakukan siswa dan mahasiswa yang berpotensi kekerasan baik fisik maupun verbal.

Jika disimpulkan dalam satu kalimat utuh, semua artikel dan tulisan dalam jurnal el-Tarbawi kali ini membawa pesan bahwa, pendidikan tanpa kekerasan bisa diwujudkan jika pendidikan tersebut memaksimalkan semua potensi menakjubkan dari manusia: intelektualitas, spiritualitas dan mentalitas yang tidak hanya ditujukan bagi para siswa, tetapi juga bagi para guru dan orangtua.

Selamat membaca.



Daftar Isi Jurnal Pendidikan Islam eL-Tarbawi, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2011


Membangun Pendidikan Tanpa Kekerasan Melalui Internalisasi PAI dan Budaya Religius

Aang Kunaepi


Violence in the world of education becomes a fairly complex and complicated problem. The violence that is practiced is the impact of structural inequality in education system as a whole. Violence can be found in social values, cultural, and structural society factor. Violence in education could be prevented by minimizing the root problem. Violence behavior in education that are not immediately resolved, will generate further violence. To prevent such violence, role of religion, culture, and human values need to be internalized in everyone through Islamic education and religious culture. Education constitutes educational process that empowers people to be able to resolve the conflict with creative ways, and it is not handled by violence. Internalization of education of Islamic religion and culture of religiousity can prevent violence behavior because religion teaches the importance of affections, forgiveness, mutual helping, prioritizing peace than violence, respecting the rights of others, and not insulting, stealing, or even killing each other. In short, internalizing education of Islamic religion and culture can be effectively omit violence because it teaches students peace education, affections and humanity. Therefore it can be used as an alternative solution to discontinue the violent behavior in education.

Keywords: education, non-violence education, Islamic religion education, religious culture.

Bullying di Sekolah dan Dampaknya bagi Masa Depan Anak

Ahmad Baliyo Eko Prasetyo


This paper aims at reviewing bullying at schools, including its definitions, characteristics, forms and factors preceding it. More specifically, this paper discusses the effects of bullying on children’s future. According to literatures and some various researches, bullying in childhood and in school days allegedly becomes one of main factors that caused psychological disorders in their adulthood. Some of recorded disorders that are related to long-term impact of bullying at school days are Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), depression, lack of confidence, and withdrawal. Eventually, this paper will propose the ways and methods in solving and preventing bullying and its impacts.

Keywords: bullying, bullying at schools, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), bullying prevention.

Perilaku Prososial vs Kekerasan Sosial: Sebuah Tinjauan Pendidikan Islam

Ahmad Darmadji


This paper is formulated to make a brief outlook on social violence in the perspective of Islamic education view, Indonesian culture, and al-Qur’an. Based on this perspective, this paper will discuss the root of violence behavior, whether in recent time or in the past time. This paper will also discuss pro-social behavior developed by individual as well as by society, as it becomes a counter values to violence behavior. The values found through discussion will be then introduced in an education framework as a pathway in reframing social behavior that potentially leads to violence. This action is taken due to re-comphrehend and reduce such potential ‘leads-to-violence’ behavior. The discussion presented in this paper is expected to have an inspiration for the next researches.

Keywords: pro-social behavior, social violence, Islamic education.

Hubungan Kontrol Diri Guru dengan Intensi Melakukan Kekerasan Terhadap Siswa



Violence in school that is performed by teachers occurred because of one of these factors: lack of teaching skills, lack of morality, lack of responsibility and lack of self-control. Teachers with such minor characters are not able to teach properly and are not able to make a good emotional interactions with students. Among those factors, self-control takes into account in supporting teachers to avoid violence towards students. Therefore, the current study aims at researching correlation between teachers self-control with intention to do violence towards students. Using statistical analysis, this research found that there is significant correlation between teachers’ self-control with intention to do violence towards students. It is shown through correlation co-efficient r = -0.684 with p = 0.000 (p<0.01). This means the lower self-control which teachers have, the lower the intention to do violence towards students. This study may have significant contribution for enhancing teachers ability to control themselves in the class, and have significant salient data for the next research.

Keywords: teachers, self-control, intention to do violence, students, school violence.

Masa Orientasi Siswa/Mahasiswa Sebagai Media Orientasi Pendidikan Tanpa Kekerasan

Hujair A.H. Sanaky


Any kind of violence is not acceptable in any sort of values and rights, moreover if it occured in education circumstances. It is indeed against universal values and norms. Education is a medium and tool to internalize norms, good attitude and positive values into students personality. But it sometimes becomes dilematics when teachers find difficulties in doing the job, or when they deal with difficult students, should they use hard lead-to-violence way or soft way? This article found that no reason to use hard-violence way to deal with such problem. Teachers should use soft way to teach students to be pro-social with the spirit of nonviolence education. Doing so, education institutions (schools or higher educations) must provide standard operational procedure for teachers and provide a tools by which teachers can use to control any students activities that potentially leads to violence, verbally or phisically. In this way, law enforcement also takes an important part.

Keywords: non-violence education, humanism, law enforcement.

Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Serta Implementasinya dalam Pendidikan Formal dan Informal



Every child is born holy in nature. Therefore, whether he/ she is bad or good in the future is on parents’ hand. Early childhood is a critical phase in human development throughout life span. How parents treat and develop their children will determine how they will be in their adulthood. If parents use effective and good ways in maturing and nurturing their children, they will grow well. Yet, in contrary, if parents do not do so or fail in nurturing their children, they will grow immature. In this issue, early childhood education takes an important role in children development. This paper will discuss early childhood education and how to apply it in a formal (i.e. playgroups), as well as in an informal (i.e. home parenting) education. Several theories and practices are presented in this current paper. In sum, this article found that formal early childhood education cannot stand alone without significant support from the informal one. Both formal and informal early childhood education should run together in a mutual practices and frameworks.

Keywords: formal and informal early childhood education, teacher, parents

Strategi Pembelajaran Tanpa Kekerasan

Muhammad Idrus


This paper will discuss learning strategy models which put student as subject of learning. Teacher is expected to take an advantage in using those models to reduce violence in education circumstance. As found in researches and mass media, violence in education circumstances, which is performed by teachers or students, still become high concerns among parents, teachers, and students themselves. One such thing that may cause this violence is learning and teaching approach or strategy by which teachers use. Changing learning and teaching strategy to be more effective and fun will probably reduce those sort of violence in education circumstances, like in schools or universities. The individual character of teachers and students are also discussed in this paper to find other factors of violence in education.

Keywords: violence in education, learning strategy, student centered learning.