Tag Archive for: Bank Islam

Vol. III, No. 2, Desember 2009

Editorial La_Riba Vol. 3, No. 2, Desember 2009

Pertumbuhan bank syariah di tanah air belakangan ini terus menunjukkan perkembangan yang menggembirakan. Dilihat dari nilai aset, bank syariah di Indonesia terus tumbuh pada kisaran angka yang membanggakan. Pada tahun 2005, nilai asetnya baru mencapai Rp 20,88 triliun, kemudian di tahun 2006 meningkat hingga menjadi Rp26,72 triliun. Tahun 2007 juga menunjukkan peningkatan sehingga aset bank syariah menjadi Rp36,53 triliun, dan pada tahun 2008 mencapai Rp49,55 triliun. Untuk tahun ini data per November 2009 menunjukkan nilai aset bank syariah telah mencapai Rp61,35 triliun.

Perkembangan menggembirakan ini di satu sisi menunjukkan kapasitas pengelola perbankan syariah dalam mengembangkan usaha sekaligus penerimaan yang baik dari masyarakat dalam hal ini bangsa Indonesia. Namun demikian di sisi lain, sejumlah pertanyaan mendasar dan bahkan kritis masih terus bermunculan baik terkait kelembangaan perbankan syariah maupun perangkat lainnya. Perbankan syariah terutama yang berasal dari perbankan konvensional banyak dikritisi karena dianggap hanyalah wajah baru dari sistem perbankan konvensional induknya yang tidak ingin kehilangan pelanggannya.

Kritikan semacam ini pada dasarnya merupakan kritik membangun yang seharusnya diterima pengelola perbankan syariah dengan lapang dada sebagai masukan bagi pengembangan di masa mendatang. Bagi akademisi dan pegiat ekonomi Islam, kritik semacam ini juga selayaknya memacu akselerasi pemikiran ekonomi Islam yang lebih mendalam sehingga dapat teraplikasikan dalam kehidupan bangsa Indonesia. Fakta bahwa perbankan syariah sering dikaitkan dengan politik akomodasi Orde Baru terhadap umat Islam, atau bahkan pengaruh ideologi Islam revivalis, hendaknya dilawan balik dengan menunjukkan bahwa dengan atau tanpa pengaruh eksternal umat Islam memang membutuhkan perbankan syariah tidak saja sebagai lembaga intermediasi keuangan, tetapi lebih dari itu sebagai perwujudan kontribusi dalam membangun bangsa.

Sebagai wujud kegelisahan akademik atas fenomena ini, Jurnal La_Riba edisi ini mengangkat tema ‘Bank Syari’ah: Peluang atau Pengaruh Ideologi?’. Di dalamnya, terdapat sejumlah artikel terkait perkembangan terkini dalam dunia perbankan syariah di Indonesia. Rahmani Timorita Yulianti mengkaji terkait “Manajemen Risiko Perbankan Syari’ah”, Cahyo Halim Istiqlal menulis tentang “Penilaian Kinerja Perbankan Syariah dengan Metode Balanced Scorecard”, Maulana Hamzah menulis kajian dengan judul “Optimalisasi Peran Dual Banking System Melalui Fungsi Strategis JUB Dalam Rangka Menjaga Stabilitas Sistem Keuangan di Indonesia”, Nasrodin menyajikan “Analisis Fiqih Terhadap Implementasi Pembiayaan Modal Kerja iB pada PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero), Tbk Kantor Cabang Syari`Ah Yogyakarta”, dan Yuli Andriansyah menulis terkait “Kinerja Keuangan Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia dan Kontribusinya bagi Pembangunan Nasional”.

Selain kajian-kajian tersebut di atas, artikel lain juga dihadirkan dalam edisi ini, antara lain tulisan Yulizar D. Sanrego Nz dan Rusdi Batun tentang ”Pandangan Islam Terhadap Privatisasi BUMN”, penelitian Malik Cahyadin dan Devi Oktaviana Milandari tentang “Analisis Ecient Market Hypothesis (EMH) di Bursa Saham Syariah, 2005:1–2008:11”, dan book review “Membedah Konsep Ekonomi Islam” oleh Nur Kholis. Kami berharap persembahan pada edisi ini mampu meningkatkan peran dan kontribusi pemikiran dalam perbankan syariah di Indonesia.


Daftar Isi La_Riba Vol. 3, No. 2, Desember 2009

Pandangan Islam Terhadap Privatisasi BUMN

Yulizar D. Sanrego Nz dan Rusdi Batun


The privatization program of BUMN in Indonesia rises new polemic among stakeholders. This leads to the uncertainty of realizing such critical program. In line with this privatization discourse, Islam has a particular discussion on assets ownership which should be utilised according to its status. This paper seeks to critically analyze the policy of BUMN privatization in Indonesia with reference to the concept of ownership in Islamic Perspective both fiqh and hadits approaches. The authors employ descriptive qualitative to discuss the privatization program of BUMN with the concept of asset ownership from Islamic perspective particularly for companies which being listed in such program. In addition, the authors also use content analysis approach to look deeply into some fiqh books as well as some hadits that relevance to the topic of this paper. The authors conclude that BUMN category which couldn’t be privatisized are BUMN that deal with the basic needs of humanbeing, BUMN which manage resources that couldn’t be possessed either by individu or group, and BUMN which manage mine materials with unlimited deposit.

JEL Clasification: A13, G38, L33

Keywords: Privatisasi, BUMN dan Kepemilikan Islam.

Manajemen Risiko Perbankan Syari’ah

Rahmani Timorita Yulianti


The development of sharia banking currently experience significant acceleration in Indonesia and the world. This development is expected to strengthen the national financial system stability while on the other hand is alleged to increase the challenges faced by sharia banking. The ability to manage risk then becomes main factor that will determine the sustainability and growth of this industry. This article is focused on discussing issues related to risk management in sharia banking form its risk profile and role of DPS (Sharia Supervisory Board) in contributing to manage emerging risks. Emperical findings suggest that sharia banking should put itself in strategic position in global market to minimize risks. The banking should also enable its solid sharia perspective and risk management capacity to innovatively able in risk mitigation. The role of DPS should also be increased especially in sharia compliace to gain public trust on this growing industry.

Keywords: manajemen, risiko, Perbankan Syari’ah

Penilaian Kinerja Perbankan Syariah Dengan Metode Balanced Scorecard

Cahyo Halim Istiqlal


The research is aimed to analyze the banking performance of Bank Rakyat Indonesia Syariah Yogyakarta and BPR Syariah Bangun Derajat Warga. Balanced Scorecard was implemented in this research to oversee the banking performance comprehensively. Empirical findings indicate that the performances of both BRI Syariah Yogyakarta and BPR Syariah Bangun Derajat Warga are in good condition as viewed from financial, growth and learning perspectives. The performance is good enough from customer perspective, while from business perspective it is in unfavorable conditions. The authors suggest that BRI Syariah Yogyakarta and BPR Syariah Bangun Derajat Warga should apply the Balanced Scorecard to measure their performances and as a strategic corporate management system in the future.

Keywords: balanced scorecard, banking performance, financial perspective

Kinerja Keuangan Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia dan Kontribusinya bagi Pembangunan Nasional

Yuli Andriansyah


This article is aimed to oversee the development of Islamic banking in Indonesia mainly on its financial performance. The financial performance of the Islamic banking is observed in accordance to its blue print in order to evaluate its development and contribution to country development as part its main mission. To some extent, emperical findings suggest that the banking has so far shown its relatively high percieved performance in its financial duty mainly in contributing to financial intermediacies function of banking and to small and medium enterprises development in Indonesia. Nevertheles, some notes should be adressed to banking preference in supporting economic activities of people majority, such as in agriculture and other primary sectors and in implementing its profit and sharing principles in its activities.

Kata kunci: perbankan syariah, kinerja keuangan, pembangunan nasional

Optimalisasi Peran Dual Banking System Melalui Fungsi Strategis JUB Dalam Rangka Menjaga Stabilitas Sistem Keuangan di Indonesia

Maulana Hamzah


We study financial system stability by concern on liquidity and effectiveness money multipler between dual banking system, both are; Shari’a Banking and Conventional Banking. Research begun with historical-idealty approach and compare it to reality especially when system attacked by crisis. The comparation Between dual banking system, show that when crisis period Shari’a banking more Insusceptible than another one that because money multipler in shari’a banking is more deducated to riil sector and also he have low integrity with global economic, however the integrity has the positive side to develop economic quantity. By Monetary policy, A central bank can share this system stability adding quantity off Shari’a financial instrumen and gold in foreign exchange policy to cover system sustebcibility. Looked into inffectiveneess banking rekapitalitation, there is 2 option to protect conventional banking stability: office channeling or convertion to shari’a banking. And the segmentation liquidity in money market between bank can be decreas by clearing system based on shari’a principle.

Keyword: Monetary Policy, Dual Banking system, Money Multipliers, Financial System Stability

Analisis Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) di Bursa Saham Syariah, 2005:1 – 2008:11

Malik Cahyadin dan Devi Oktaviana Milandari


Study on sharia stocks exchange takes an important place and consideration since transactions and financial activities within a stocks exchange market will determine the mode of market itself and will have impact on economic activities in a country where the market is established. This paper is mainly focused to oversee sharia stocks exchanges in Indonesia, United States, Saudi Arabia, and Malaysia using efficient market hypothesis (EHM) method. Data used in this study were collected from monthly sharia stocks exchanges index from 2005:1 to 2008:11. There are three types of market in EHM method, i.e. weak, least-strong, and strong market. Econometric test procedures used in this study involve data stationery and Granger causality tests. Data stationery test indicates that all variables are stationer at first difference, I(1). It implies that sharia stocks exchanges in Indonesia, United States, and Malaysia tend to be weak, while in Saudi Arabia it tends to be least-strong.

Keywords: sharia stocks price index, efficient market hypothesis

Analisis Fiqih Terhadap Implementasi Pembiayaan Modal Kerja iB Pada PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero), Tbk Kantor Cabang Syariah Yogyakarta



Capital is an important component for the continuation of production activities for a company, especially for companies that are still in the development and expansion. PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero), Tbk Branch Sharia Yogyakarta is one of the Islamic Bankig that offer Working Capital Financing iB based on Sharia priciple by using Mudarabah instrument. Results from this study is that the Working Capital Financing iB applied by at. PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero), Tbk Branch Sharia Yogyakarta based on Mudarabah instrument fully Shariah compliance with the Shariah Board of the National Fatwa Council of Ulama Indonesia No: 07/DSN-MUI/IV/2000, about Financing Mudarabah (Qirad) on the Bank’s view of Sharia and Fiqh, although there are two things that need to be reformulated, namely about the charging of administrative and notary fees are determined by a percentage and is fully charged to customers financing applicants.

Keywords: Working Capital Financing and Mudarabah iB.

Book Review Membedah Konsep Ekonomi Islam

Nur Kholis

Terbitnya buku yang berjudul Islamic Economic ini, semakin menambah literature yang membahas tentang ekonomi Islam dan ditulis oleh orang asli Indonesia. Secara kuantitatif, buku yang membahas ekonomi Islam dan ditulis oleh orang asli Indonesia masih sedikit. Uniknya buku ini, walaupun judul utamanya berbahasa Inggris, tetapi isinya berbahasa Indonesia. Penggunaan judul berbahasa Inggris ini mungkin memang terkait preferensi penulis dalam pemilihan judul, karena buku penulis sebelumnya juga diberi judul berbahasa Inggris walaupun isinya berbahasa Indonesia.

Ucapan Terima Kasih Mitra Bestari

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