Vol. XI, No. 1, Februari-Agustus 2010

Bagian Depan Al-Mawarid Vol. XI, No. 1 FebruariAgustus 2010

Daftar Isi Al-Mawarid Vol. XI, No. 1 FebruariAgustus 2010

Pedoman Transliterasi Arab-Latin

Editorial Al-Mawarid Vol. XI, No. 1 FebruariAgustus 2010

Islamisasi Ilmu Pengetahuan dalam disiplin ekonomi, cukup menarik untuk diamati. Sebab ia tak hanya berhenti pada tataran akademis dan perdebatan metodologis, melainkan juga masuk ke wilayah praktis. Di samping itu, marak bermunculan institusi-institusi ekonomi lain yang berlabelkan Islam atau Syari’ah: Asuransi Syari’ah, Multilevel Marketing (MLM) Syari’ah bahkan juga perusahaan percetakan, hotel dan toko swalayan Islam. Ada satu kesamaan mendasar dari kesemua institusi di atas. Mereka coba menerapkan system ekonomi yang diyakini sesuai dengan ajaran Islam. Tujuan mereka dinyatakan tak hanya untuk meraih keuntungan finansial, melainkan juga untuk berdakwah dan meraih ridha Allah.

Jika gerakan Islamisasi Ilmu Pengetahuan pada level akademis sebagaimana dikembangkan IIIT bersifat relatif terbuka dengan memberi ruang pada berbagai ujicoba pemikiran atau ijtihad, pada bidang yang lebih praktis, segala sesuatunya dirancang sedemikian rupa seolah telah jelas sejelas-jelasnya. Bahkan menjadi bagian dari promosi, bahwa perbankan Islam adalah perbankan berbasis sistem bagi hasil, bukan perbankan berbasis bunga yang dinilai “melanggar ajaran Islam” yang menyebabkan pelaku maupun nasabahnya menanggung konsekuensi dosa. Demikian pula, produk asuransi yang sesuai dengan ajaran Islam adalah yang dikeluarkan perusahaan yang berlabelkan Islam. Selain itu, jatuh pada keharaman karena di dalamnya ada praktik garar (ketidakjelasan pengelolaan dana) dan semacamnya. Begitu juga, perusahaan MLM yang sesuai dengan ajaran Islam adalah perusahaan MLM Syari’ah. Perusahaan MLM lain yang didirikan oleh non-Muslim atau Muslim yang tidak menunjukkan jatidiri syari’ahnya dinyatakan sebagai “tidak sesuai dengan ajaran Islam”.

Realitas seperti tersebut di atas pada akhirnya menyeret Islamiasi Ilmu Ekonomi ke arah yang sangat pragmatis. Pendidikan Ekonomi Islam yang mulai diajarkan – baik lewat lembaga pendidikan spesialis Ekonomi Islam maupun lewat universitas “sekuler” yang membuka program pendidikan Ekonomi Islam –diarahkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tenaga ahli di “perusahaan-perusahaan Islami”: perbankan, asuransi dan lainnya yang berlabel syari’ah itu. Pendekatan yang digunakan, bisa diduga, bukan lagi pendekatan yang memberi ruang bagi penelaahan berbagai teori dan konsep secara terbuka, melainkan “pendekatan pasar”. Para mahasiswa dididik untuk memahami, menguasai dan bisa mempraktekkan ilmu Ekonomi Islam yang bentuknya dianggap telah jelas dan baku. Mereka tidak dididik untuk bertanya secara kritis, menggali sekian banyak teori secara terbuka, kemudian memutuskan teori mana yang akan dipegang secara praktis atau bahkan merumuskan teori baru berdasarkan percobaan dan penelitian empirik mereka. Nuansa hegemonikpun menjadi demikian jelas terlihat.

Untuk merespon fenomena di atas, Al-Mawarid Vol. XI, No. 1 Februari –Agustus 2010 mengetengahkan tema”Penerapan Syari’ah dalam Aspek Ekonomi dan Hukum Keluarga di Indonesia” . Diangkat tema ini bertujuan untuk melihat kembali secara jujur dan kritis akademis tentang penerapan Syari’ah di Indonesia terutama dalam tataran praksis lembaga-lembaga keuangan Syari’ah dan hukum keluarga di Indonesia dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini. Hasil semua ini diharapkan akan menjadi entry point berharga dan kritik konstruktif bagi pengembangan ekonomi Syari’ah dan hukum keluarga di Indonesia.

Tulisan-tulisan yang dimuat dalam Al-Mawarid edisi sekarang ini adalah: 1.Meninjau Ulang Landasan Normatif Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia ( Telaah atas Teori Kontruksi Fiqh Klasik) oleh Ayief Fathurrahman, 2. Direct Financial Market: Islamic Equity Market (Bursa Saham dalam Islam )oleh Rahmani Timorita Yulianti, 3. Penerapan Fatwa DSN-MUI Nomor 25 dan 26 Tahun 2002 di Pegadaian Syari’ah Kusumanegara Yogyakarta oleh Sodriyatun, 4. Posisi Pegadaian Syari’ah di Indonesia Berdasarkan Fatwa DSN-MUI Nomor 25 dan 26 Tahun 2002 oleh Aminuddin, 5. Kewenangan Peradilan Negeri di Bidang Perbankan Syariah Studi Pasal 55 UU No. 21 Tahun 2008 oleh Musataklima, 6. Rethinking Konsep Nasakh dan Penerapannya dalam Indonesia Hukum Waris di Indonesia oleh Faiq Tobroni, 7. Fiqh Mazhab Indonesia (Konsep dan Aplikasi Pemikiran Hasbi as-Siddiqi untuk Konteks Islam Rahmat li-Indonesia) oleh Gatot Suhirman, dan 8.Islam Berwajah Indonesia oleh Muhtar Sopiyan. Sebagai akhir edisi ini dimuat pula bookreview atas buku berjudul al-Wajiz fi al-Fikr al-Iqtisad al-Wad’i wa al-Islami oleh Asmuni Mth.

Artikel-artikel yang ditampilkan dalam edisi ini saling melengkapi satu sama lain dan sangat diharapkan dapat dijadikan sebagai titik-tolak untuk mengembangkan riset dan kajian akademis menelaah kembali aspek “kesyari’ahan” ekonomi Syari’ah hukum keluarga di Indonesia ke depan. Dari redaksi mempersilahkan para pembaca untuk membaca secara kritis dan langsung tulisan-tulisan tersebut di atas.

Selamat membaca.


Meninjau Ulang Landasan Normatif Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia (Telaah atas Teori Kontruksi Fiqh Klasik)

Ayief Fathurrahman


In this article. the writer tries to describe the reality of classical fiqh which has been becoming the normative foundation of Islamic banking operations. The evidence suggests that classical fiqh has got difficulties and inability to respond the contemporary problems, particularly the banking shari’ah problems. Therefore, it is required a new formulation of dynamic fiqh in accordance with the times and able to respond contemporary problems. Therefore, it is urgent need to reconstruct the normative foundation of Shari’ah banking in Indonesia, especially that of the classical Islamic jurisprudence.

Keywords: fiqh klasik, perbankan Syariah, landasan normatif, dan teori

Direct Financial Market: Islamic Equity Market (Bursa Saham dalam Islam)

Rahmani Timorita Yulianti


Islamic capital market is developed in order to accommodate the needs of Muslims in Indonesia who wish to invest in the instrument of capital-market instruments in accordance with Islamic principles. The industrial sector is expected to accommodate the capital market and also involves the participation of Muslim citizens to take active steps directly into the main market actors, namely as local investors in the Indonesian capital market. In an effort to realize this, then it is reasonable provided and developed investment instruments such as shares in the Indonesian capital market in accordance with the principles of Islamic teachings. There are requirements for a stock can be categorized in accordance with the provisions of sharia. Companies issuing shares of Islamic law, a company with business and management that do not conflict with the Shari’a, and has a kosher product. The companies will be excluded from the index if it has an Islamic stock exchange for the debt and financial ratios or levels of income from certain interest.

Keywords: saham, pasar modal, Syariah, industri, dan keuangan


Penerapan Fatwa DSN-MUI Nomor 25 Dan 26 Tahun 2002 di Pegadaian Syari’ah Kusumanegara Yogyakarta



This article suggests that formal judicial Pawnshop Yogyakarta Shariah Board of Directors established under Decree Pawnshop on the translation of Government Regulation no. 103 of 2000 on Pawnshop, so do not yet have specific rules about pawn in the form of Sharia Law. The existence of the National Fatwa Council of Sharia – the Indonesian Ulema Council No. 25 and 26 as well understood as the juridical basis for the formal operation of Sharia Pawnshop Yogyakarta. Pawnshop Shariah Yogyakarta is an independent unit of Pawnshop which is the result of collaboration between the Bank Muamalah Pawnshop Indonesia. Pawnshop service products Yogyakarta Shariah compliance in accordance with the principles of Shariah fatwa charge of the National Shariah Council – the Indonesian Ulema Council which became operational basis, but still very limited compared with mortgage services products in general, there are no new creations of business development services to answer the needs of the community.

Keywords: fatwa DSN, pegadaian Syari’ah,produk, dan landasan operasional

Posisi Pegadaian Syari’ah di Indonesia Berdasarkan Fatwa DSN-MUI Nomor 25 dan 26 Tahun 2002



The following article is a research on fatwa National Shariah Council – MUI No. 25 and No. 26 of 2002 as the operational basis of Sharia in Indonesia. From pawnshops this study found that the Fatwa Council of the National Shariah-MUI No. 25 and No. 26 technical bedasarkan determination formulated a fatwa that has been set by the MUI, the review conducted by the Executive Board of the National Shariah Council (BPH-DSN), the result is revealed that fatwa draft form, and then taken in a plenary session of the National Shariah Governing Council to then decide National Fatwa Council to Shariah. Economic realities of society in such a way that demands a lot of different choices of economic services from conventional economic services; community hoping there is certainty of Sharia-based services, particularly in terms of mortgage, and also a request to the Council of Indonesian Ulama Fatwa by conventional economic institutions on economic services that embraces the principles of Sharia.

Keywords: pegadaian Syari’ah, fatwa DSN, operasional, produk, dan layanan

Kewenangan Peradilan Negeri di Bidang Perbankan Syariah Studi Pasal 55 UU No. 21 Tahun 2008



Theoretically between one court to another court split on the basis of jurisdiction (court separation system based on jurisdictions), in Article 55 of the Act No. 21 of 2008 has caused the intersection of two judicial authority of religious courts and public justice in sharia banking dispute. Why is this happening. According to the author of one of the reasons is the assessment stems from mistrust to unpreparedness and religious courts in resolving disputes shariah banking. Judicially Article 55 of the Act No. 21 of 2008 does not contradict horizontally with Article 49 of the Act No. 3 of 2006 and vertically not consistent with the Constitution of 1945. Solutions to the authority of shari’a banking dispute settlement is to the exclusion of common justice to the logic of “Sertificate Property Rights which came first can not be undone by a certificate of ownership that comes later for the same object”, and with the logic of lex specialis derogat leg generalis.

Keywords: kewenangan, perbankan Syari’ah, Undang-undang, pengadilan agama, dan pengadilan umum

Rethinking Konsep Nasakh dan Penerapannya dalam Indonesia Hukum Waris di Indonesia

Faiq Tobroni


This article investigates the impact of using the concept of ‘ulumul istimbat Koran against the law, one of which is the impact of the implementation of paragraph testament abrogates heritage. Those who agree that the estate has abrogated paragraph will argue that the division of inheritance through a will is no longer valid because it had been established by legal procedure heritage. Permissibility will only apply to parts that will be given to people outside the family. Abrogation between verses of the Quran is also supported by a hadis of the Prophet that prohibits giving testament to the beneficiary. However, those who do not agree that paragraph legacy has abrogated paragraph will argue that the ordinance of the division of inheritance through a will still remain valid. regarding the above hadis prophet soon get the analysis that aim to avoid an heir to inherit the double (according to the science part faraid / fiqh mawaris and parts will fit the sound). Meanwhile, if the division of inheritance is only through a single procedure (bequest division of inheritance), then nothing will get the double.

Keywords: nasakh, wasiat-waris, adat, hukum, dan keadilan

Fiqh Mazhab Indonesia (Konsep dan Aplikasi Pemikiran Hasbi as-Siddiqi untuk Konteks Islam Rahmat li- Indonesia)

Gatot Suhirman


The following article investigates historically Fiqh Indonesia raised by Hasbi in 1940, when Indonesia is not independent yet and still to the nationalists against the Dutch colonialists. This can be seen from Indonesia, which is in the term Fiqh Indonesia itself, not the Fiqh of Aceh where Hasbi was born. Of course, should not be forgotten that the word in the term Fiqh Fiqh Indonesia Hasbi also reflects the spirit as a reformer who expressly states that a school will grow faster if adopted by a government. In the context of this kind emphasize the importance of cooperation Hasbi Indonesian Muslims by their government. Hasbi has suggested certainly is not difficult anymore to be developed and accepted by Indonesian Muslims today, considering they are more mature in the national state. Fiqh Indonesia was initiated by Hasbi is the embryo development of understanding of Islam Indonesia in later periods until now.

Keywords: fiqh Indonesia, Hasbi, pemikiran. Rahmat bagi Indonesia, dan metodologi

Islam Berwajah Indonesia

Muhtar Sopiyan


Islamic Thought in Indonesia from time to time growing. This development will certainly bring consequences pro and conts. This affects the progress of Islamic thought thinking itself. In conjunction with the local culture in Indonesia, Islam in Indonesia has so far considered to be more tolerant. Tolerance is indicated by the accommodating attitude towards the local culture. This attitude reflects the ability and willingness of Muslim Indonesia to absorb the local culture become part of Islamic teachings. Culture is seen as an inherent part of community life, making it impossible for a movement that took the breath rahmatan lil’alamin suppress something that has become part of the community. It can not be denied that Allah revealed Islam. In the Arab world, but this does not mean that all the smelly arab identical with Islam. This article tries to discuss briefly the growing Islamic thought in Indonesia, which developed at this time and effort to make Islam the Muslims in Indonesia for more faceless face of Indonesia.

Keywords: pluralitas, pemikiran, Islam, Indonesia, dan budaya lokal

Book Review: Ekonomi Islam, Antara Tantangan dan Harapan

Asmuni Mth

Buku karya Abdul Jabbar Hamid al-Sabhany ini berupaya mengisi celah kekosongan pemikiran ekonomi Islam di tengah merebaknya pemikiran ekonomi klasik dan neoklasik yang jarang disentuh oleh referensi asing secara umum termasuk pula pada referensi berbahasa Arab—kecuali beberapa karya kecil yang focus pada sebagian pemikiran teorikus ekonomi Islam seperti Ibn Khaldun, al-Maqrizi dan lain-lain. Di samping itu, penulisan buku ini dilandasi kegelisahan Abdul Jabbar ihwal aliran pemikiran ekonomi Islam yang ditopang oleh al-Quran dan Sunnah tidak dilakukan studi yang layak terhadapnya secara proporsional (hal. 12). Menariknya, usaha maksimal penulis memaparkan aliran pemikiran ekonomi secara singkat, mengacu pada referensi asli tanpa disertai komentar penulis yang cukup semata-mata untuk menghindari subyektifitas.


Ucapan Terima Kasih Mitra Bestari

Formulir Berlangganan

Pedoman Penulisan Naskah