Vol. II, No. 1, Juli 2008

Editorial La_Riba Vol. 2, No. 1, Juli 2008

Dari tiga negara di Asia yang terkena krisis ekonomi, Indonesia-lah yang tergolong paling lambat mengalami pemulihan ekonominya, meskipun bila dilihat dari trend-nya Indonesia berada dalam track yang sama. Ada beberapa penjelasan yang membuat perekonomian Indonesia bergerak sangat lambat. Pertama, kehancuran perekonomian yang diperparah dengan hancurnya sektor perbankan. Kedua, kelumpuhan kebijakan moneter dalam menggerakkan kembali permintaan domestik.

Fenomena ini juga dialami oleh negara lain, namun karena tingkat kehancuran sektor perbankan di negara lain tidak separah di Indonesia, sehingga perbankan negara di luar Indonesia masih dapat berfungsi dan kebijakan moneter yang berkaitan dengan transmission mechanism masih dapat berjalan walaupun tidak optimal.

Terdapat berbagai penjelasan mengenai lambatnya proses pemulihan ekonomi yang terjadi di Indonesia, antara lain adanya fenomena reformasi ekonomi. Reformasi ekonomi pada dasarnya dilakukan untuk merubah secara fundamental dan permanen cara kegiatan-kegiatan ekonomi diorganisasikan dan diregulasikan. Tujuannya tidak lain adalah memperbaiki cara perekonomian agar bekerja lebih efisien sehingga makin banyak masyarakat yang mengalami perbaikan kesejahteraan ekonominya.

Sehubungan dengan itu ekonomi Islam dipandang sebagai suatu sistem ekonomi yang kredibel, yang dapat berkontribusi terhadap perbaikan kesejahteraan ekonomi di Indonesia. Hal ini didukung oleh perbedaannya dengan sistem ekonomi kapitalisme dan sosialisme baik secara ontologi, epistemologi dan sisi aksiologinya. Perbedaan tersebut membuat ekonomi Islam memandang bahwa sistem ini lebih superior dibandingkan sistem-sistem lain. Tentunya pandangan ini menyisakan sebuah pertanyaan penting. Jika benar sistem ekonomi Islam superior, tentunya ia akan lebih mampu mengatasi masalah dan tantangan perekonomian yang sedang terjadi.

Oleh karena itu dalam edisi kali ini beberapa penulis berpartisipasi dalam upaya menjawab tantangan pemulihan ekonomi di Indonesia. Di antaranya adalah, Zuly Qodir menggagas tentang Islam, Muhammadiyah dan Advokasi Kemiskinan, Dr Asad Zaman, mendiskripsikan tentang persoalan-persoalan mendasar yang dihadapi ekonom muslim dewasa ini, Rahmani Timorita Yulianti menulis tentang Asas-asas Perjanjian (Akad) dalam Hukum Kontrak Syari’ah, adapun Dadan Muttaqien mendiskripsikan tentang ReformasiRegulasi dan Kelembagaan Ekonomi Islam di Indonesia, sedangkan Asnaini menulis tentang Pengembangan Mutu SDM Perbankan Syariah, Ali Amin Isfandiar mendiskusikan tentang Tinjauan Fiqih Mu’amalat dan Hukum Nasional tentang Wakaf di Indonesia, Yunanto tentang Analisis Kinerja Keuangan, Maulana Hamzah tentang Pengembangan Perbankan Syari’ah dan Book Review oleh Yusdani.

Dalam penerbitan edisi yang akan datang, La_Riba mengangkat tema Ekonomi Islam pasca Disahkannya Undang-Undang Perbankan Syari’ah No. 21 Tahun 2008 untuk itu redaksi menanti partisipasi para pembaca untuk menuangkan gagasannya.



Daftar Isi La_Riba Vol. 2, No. 1, Juli 2008


The Critical Mission of Muslim Economist

Asad Zaman


Persoalan mendasar yang dihadapi para ekonom muslim dewasa ini adalah apakah mereka siap menghadapi tantangan untuk membangun suatu sistem Islami yang ideal? Bisakah mereka menawarkan suatu konsep tentang tata cara mengislamkan sistem kenegaraannya? Menghadapi persoalan-persoalan tersebut, penulis artikel ini mempunyai kehawatiran tentang ketidakmampuan dan ketidaksiapan kaum muslimin untuk memberikan jawabannya karena kenyataannya betapa perbedaan pendapat di kalangan kaum muslimin amat tajam, dan hampir sulit untuk mencapai suatu konsensus termasuk dalam bidang ekonomi Islam dan gambaran yang jelas tentang sistem ekonomi Islam dan sekaligus prakteknya. Dengan demikian, problema ekonomi Islam mencakup sisi konsep dasar sistem ekonomi dan sekaligus implementasi nyata dari konsep dasar tersebut.

Keywords: muslim economist, Islamic system, concept and critical mission.


Reformasi Regulasi dan Kelembagaan Ekonomi Islam di Indonesia

Dadan Muttaqien


The regulation and Islamic economic institution in Indonesia reform in acc ordance with society demands. Th is development implies the positive response of government. One of this is the decree the regulation regarding Shari’ah banking in Indonesia. Besides, it also prepare the institution has authority to handle the acts and its implementation regulation for instance Islamic ( religion ) Court. Th is condition needs human resources of Islamic court who have qualification especially to handle the cases of Islamic economic. Hence, Islamic court resources besides master marriage law, inheritance law, they also should master the law regarding Islamic economic as new jurisdiction of Islamic court in Indonesia.

Keywords: reformasi, regulasi, ekonomi Islam, dan peradilan agama


Pengembangan Perbankan Syariah Secara Objektif dan Rasional dengan Pendekatan Mekanisme Pasar

Maulana Hamzah


This article explain about the fact of shari’a banking at indonesia, many people save his money under the ideal theory of economic system but in parctice, often to be irrasional. Expalining about the fact acc ording to quality and quantity, by research to internal of islamic banking as supply and society from any culture and religion as demand. Th e evidence of equilibrium between it can be looked in market mechanism, and this hope also need to fiscal policy. Th erefore by analyze to importent variabel of market, will be descript the shari’a banking development in the future. And the maslahah that promoted by islamic economic not stopped in ideal site but become the brand of them base on rasional and objectif site.

Keyword: shari’ah banking, market mechanism, fiscal policy, ideal, dan rasional


Pengembangan Mutu SDM Perbankan Syari’ah: Sebagai Upaya Pengembangan Ekonomi Islam



The article below tries to describe and evaluate the problem of human resources in particu lar in Shari’ah banking. Generally the qualified human resources in Indonesia are rarely and still limited including in the field of Shari’ah banking. It is urgent need in the field of Shari’ah banking the qualification of human resources at least they master in the basic horizon of Islamic banking principles. Th is challenge and the condition need developing Islamic economics educ ation. Th e universities in Indonesia have an opportunity and chance to develop the Islamic institutions of education in acc ordance with market needs.Th e goal of those is to produc e qualified, professional, honesty, and responsible human resources.

Keywoprds: mutu, SDM, perbankan Syari’ah dan ekonomi Islam.


Tinjauan Fiqh Muamalat dan Hukum Nasional tentang Wakaf di Indonesia

Ali Amin Isfandiar


Waqf is one of philanthropy institutions in Islam. Debates on which have been coloring of dynamical thought of Islam law, occurred since classical Islamic scholar until modern one. Topics is concerning with existence of waqif, mauquf uf ‘alaih (nadzir), mauquf (object), and sighat (proclamation). Fiqh and Indonesian rule, called UU (red. Act) are giving deepest attention and analysis. Th e latest makes combination and accommodation to reconstruct and widen of the implementation scope of waqf. It is due to reinterpretation derived from earliest concept, and public welfare reached is as final objective of its philanthropy based on new interpretation. Th is paper is also going to elaborate some new issues like cash waqf (waqf al-nuqud) dan productive waqf, emerged from lack of professionalism and mismanagement of waqf object. Th ese elaborations presented to analysis content substance of the Act 41/2004 as compromised solution conducted by the Rule.

Kata Kunci: waqf al-nuqud, filantropi, dan wakaf produktif


Pengaruh Pendayagunaan Zakat Produktif terhadap Pemberdayaan Mustahiq pada LAZ Yayasan Solo Peduli Surakarta

Mila Sartika


The following article originates from the result of the field research. Th e research has been conducted in LAZ ( Lembaga Amail Zakat ) Yayasan Solo Peduli Surakarta. LAZ Yayasan Solo Peduli Surakarta constitutes one of the biggest LAZ at Surakarta. Th e main problem of this research is the influence of produc tive zakat fu nd toward mustahiq. Th e research design is quantitative and its analysis is statistic by using a simple regression. Th e result of this research revealed that the produc tive zakat fu nd for year 2007 influence on mustahiq income significantly. Th e significant level or its grade reaches 0,045 or sig < 0.05. In other words there is a positive correlation between productive zakat fund toward mustahiq income

Keywords: pendayagunaan, zakat produktif, pemberdayaan, dan mustahiq.


Asas-Asas Perjanjian (Akad) dalam Hukum Kontrak Syari’ah

Rahmani Timorita Yulianti


One of the basic principle of the transaction in Islamic law is the freedom of the contract.By this principle, Moslem community have freedom to create, to modify or to innovate the forms of aqd as long as do not contradict to the basic and the goal of Islamic legislation. Thu s, the field of social affairs of Islamic law can develop dynamically and answer the the cases of the contemporary economics affairs. In order to answer those problems the Islamic jurists beside master the basic principles of Islamic law and aslo master the social affairs aspect of the contemporary of economics.Th ose principles of course differ from those of the field of ritual personal matters in Islamic law.

Keywords: asas perjanjian, hukum kontrak syari’ah, dan asas kebebasan berkontrak.


Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Bank Syariah Mandiri Periode 2002-2007 (dengan Pendekatan PBI No. 9/1/PBI/2007)

Yunanto Adi Kusumo


Bank credibility could be seen from its financial performance. One of the large Islamic bank in Indonesia is Bank Syariah Mandiri. Th is research aims to know financial performance of Bank Syariah Mandiri for period 2002 to 2007. Th is research is a quantitative research, using descriptive analysis. Th e analysis exercise the Regulation of Bank Indonesia No. 9/1/PBI/2007 comprising the assessment system of the soundness of Islamic bank in Indonesia, including: capital, quality of productive asset, management, earning, liquidity and also sensitivity to market risk (CAME LS). However this research only analysis the financial aspect, without management criterion. Th e result of this research reveales that capital ratio is very strong, ratio of quality of productive asset is good enough, earning ratio is very good, liquidity ratio is very strong and sensitivity to market risk ratio is very weak. Financial performance of Bank Syariah Mandiri as a whole pertaines the goodness.

Keyword: financial performance, quality of produc tive asset, earning, liquidity, dan sensitivity to market risk.


Islam, Muhammadiyah dan Advokasi Kemiskinan

Zuly Qodir


The poverty data of Indonesian that hown by World Bank November 2006 tend to increase. Th e problem of poverty denotes reality and fact in Indonesia. Th e majority of Indonesian constitutes Moslem. According to social researcher there are several impact of the proverty toward religion fundamentalism and religion conversion. In this sense, Muhammadiyah movement in Indonesia there is a popular terminology in term of this organization concerns regarding poverty solving, that is the al-ma’un theology. Ahmad Dahlan as a founder of the above organization derived the concept of al-ma’un including three activities: educ ation, healthy and helping orphan.Th e main three programs have revealed that Miuhammadiyah denotes religion social organization has involved in solving the poverty problem.

Keywords: al-ma’un, Islam, kemiskinan, dan teologi.


Book Review Negara Berkembang vs Neoliberalisme


Dengan membaca buku Confessions of an Economic Hit Man dan The Secret History of American Empire karya John Perkins ini, terkuaklah hegemoni dan kepentingan neoliberalisme. Oleh karena itu, dengan belajar dari pengakuan jujur John Perkins tersebut, ada tiga resiko besar yang harus dihadapi oleh rakyat dalam sebuah negara yang sudah “dikudeta” oleh neoliberalisme.


Kriteria Naskah La_Riba

Ucapan Terima Kasih Mitra Bestari

Formulir Berlangganan Jurnal La_Riba

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