Vol. I, No. 1, Juli 2007

Editorial Vol. 1, No. 1, Juli 2007

Sistem ekonomi Islam, dalam sepuluh tahun terakhir ini makin populer. Fenomena ini ditandai dengan semakin suburnya bank-bank yang menerapkan konsep syari’ah. Di Indonesia perkembangan pemikiran tentang perlunya menerapkan prinsip Islam dalam berekonomi muncul pada 1974. Tepatnya digagas dalam sebuah seminar “Hubungan Indonesia-Timur Tengah” yang diselenggarakan oleh Lembaga Studi Ilmu-Ilmu Kemasyarakatan (LSIK). Akan tetapi, nampaknya perkembangan pemikiran dan pergumulan ijtihad panjang dalam masalah hukum ‘bunga bank’ dan ‘zakat vs pajak’ dalam seminar tersebut tidak sia-sia, akhirnya membuahkan hasil yang melegakan dan memuaskan umat muslim Indonesia. Paling tidak, kalau boleh dikatakan ‘sebuah tonggak’ sejarah baru kebangkitan ekonomi Islam di Indonesia, tepatnya pada hari Ahad, 3 November 1991 untuk pertama kalinya sebuah Bank Islam, yaitu Bank Muamalat Indonesia (BMI) dilaunching pendiriannya di Istana Bogor.

Setelah BMI memulai beroperasi sebagai bank yang menerapkan prinsip syari’ah pertama di Indonesia, frekuensi kegairahan umat Islam untuk menerapkan dan mempraktekkan sistem syari’ah dalam kehidupan berekonomi sehari-hari menjadi tinggi. Akan tetapi kehadiran BMI sebagai lembaga perbankan syari’ah di tengah-tengah habitat umat muslim Indonesia dalam kenyataannya belum dapat memenuhi keseluruhan kebutuhan ekonomi masyarakat dalam mengembangkan usaha-usaha mikro yang notabene milik mayoritas umat. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa ekonomi Islam yang sedang dikembangkan di Indonesia selama lebih kurang enam belas tahun selama ini masih memiliki keterbatasan-keterbatasan yang cukup berarti baik sebagai suatu bangunan konsep maupun sebagai sistem operasional. Realitas ini merupakan permasalahan mendasar yang dihadapi ekonomi Islam di Indonesia. Untuk itu, dibutuhkan kerangka pemikiran, langkah-langkah strategis, konsisten, evaluatif dan prospektif untuk mengembangkan ekonomi Islam.ini. Terinspirasi dengan sejumlah masalah di atas dan dilatarbelakangi untuk mencerahkan masyarakat, Program Studi Ekonomi Islam Fakultas Ilmu Agama Islam Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta menerbitkan jurnal Ekonomi Islam La_Riba. Kehadiran jurnal La_Riba ini diharapkan akan menjadi media informasi dan komunikasi tentang ekonomi Islam di Indonesia. Di samping itu, karena media serupa masih sangat terbatas di Indonesia, jurnal ini akan memperkaya informasi kajian dan penelitian dalam bidang ekonomi Islam.

Artikel-artikel yang dimuat dalam jurnal La_Riba edisi perdana ini adalah M. Roem Syibly mengungkap Spekulasi dalam Pasar Saham, Rahmani Timorita Yulianti mengangkat Pola Ijtihad Fatwa Dewan Syari’ah Nasional MUI tentang Produk Perbankan Syari’ah, Yusdani menyoroti Islamisasi Model al-Faruqi dan Penerapannya dalam Ilmu Ekonomi Islam di Indonesia (Suatu Kritik Epistemik), Nur Kholis menulis tentang Evaluation to the Practice of Murabahah in the Operations of Baitul Mal Wattamwil (BMT) Yogyakarta, Asmi Nur Siwi Kusmiyati meneliti mengenai Risiko Akad dalam Pembiayaan Murabahah pada BMT di Yogyakarta ( dari Teori ke Penerapan), Helmi Haris mendeskripsikan tentang Pembiayaan Kepemilikan Rumah (Sebuah Inovasi Pembiayaan Perbankan Syari’ah), Syafrudin Arif memotret persoalan Need Assesment SDM Ekonomi Islam, Uzaifah menguak tentang Studi Deskriptif Prilaku Dosen Perguruan Tinggi Islam DIY dalam Membayar Zakat, Asmuni Mth membahas Zakat Profesi dan Upaya Menuju Kesejahteraan Sosial, dan H.M.Fajar Hidayanto mereview buku tentang Etika Bisnis. Secara umum tulisan-tulisan ini sekalipun beragam tetapi fokusnya sama dan saling melengkapi antara satu sama lain.

Untuk edisi mendatang jurnal La_Riba akan mengangkat tema Strategi Membumikan Ekonomi Islam di Indonesia Untuk itu redaksi mohon partisipasi para pembaca untuk menyumbangkan tulisannya.



Daftar Isi

Spekulasi dalam Pasar Saham

M. Roem Syibly


As a modern finance institution, stock market has several weaknesses and unfair market model but in practice, the modern economic system recognizes it as part of economic development in a state. Speculation is one of the weaknesses, the investor has to know the changeable time and market trend, making analysis and calculation then take decision to do speculation in buy and sell stock. The activities above have made market more active and dynamics. People in general take advantages from the speculation. If sharp calculation will get more advantages and if no will be loss much money. The practice as same as gambling system and systematically will smash principle of economic society. Islam has guidance in the case of speculation like what has happen in stock market. The article has objective to give guidelines how practically Islam give explanation about the issue. In the mudharabah and musyarakah system, people need capital to do their business by cooperation with capital holder. If sell and buy stock, so capital revolves among investors only and then real sector cannot develop due to lack of capital.

Keywords: spekulasi, pasar saham, dan investasi.


Need Assesment SDM Ekonomi Islam

Syafrudin Arif


Islam economically provides its great expositions on the quality of human resource. Islam stimulates the human being to be progressive and successful on the whole aspects of their life, including in the economic ones. The success in this world as well as the next world is one of its progressive economic prescriptions. But becouse of the great extant economic underdeveopment over the Muslim world or areas nowadays, as if it is forgotten. This paper, thus, represents the treatment of the Islamic teaching especially on the enpowerment of human resource in terms of the economic fields and of how to accomplish the economic underdevelopment problems in the perspective of Islam. There are a lot of verses of the Holy Koran , the Prophetic Traditions, and his great companions to assert it. In a fact, human being is one of the driving factors of economic development. In a fact, Islam historically overcome the problems based on the comprehensive ways involving both a system and an individual, or the voluntary method, the compulsory method, and the method of the state’s responsibility. In the context of the contemporary islamic economics, the pioner human resources are indispensable to achieve.

Keywords: SDM, ekonomi Islam, sukses di dunia dan akhirat

Risiko Akad dalam Pembiayaan Murabahah pada BMT di Yogyakarta (dari Teori ke Terapan)

Asmi Nur Siwi Kusmiyati


This research aim to know the practice of murabahah financing, any kind of risk which is related to murabahah financing, how to manage the risk of murabahah financing, and how is perpective of Moslem law to practice of murabahah financing at BMT in Yogyakarta. This research done by field research by using desain qualitative. In this research, its data collecting by use the documentation and interview technique. As for location becoming this research is : BMT Dana Insani, BMT Amratani Sejahtera, and BMT Bina Ihsanul Fikri (BIF) Nitikan. Result of this research indicate that : (1) practice of murabahah financing at BMT used for the purchasing of consumer goods / capital goods which is payment in instalment or fall due; (2) not all risk of murabahah financing have been experienced by third BMT, BMT Dana Insani have never experienced of the risk which is related to object and risk which is related to member while BMT BIF Nitikan have never experienced of the risk which is related to just object; (3) third BMT have different way of each other in managing risk which is related to murabahah financing; and (4) most concept and execution of murabahah financing at third BMT have as according to principles syari’ah.

Keywords: risiko, akad, murabahah, BMT

Zakat Profesi dan Upaya Menuju Kesejahteraan Sosial

Asmuni Mth


One of the local regulations is Perda No.9 of 2002 concerning the zakah management issued by government of East Lombok regency, West Nusa Tenggara. The Perda becomes legal-formal standing for government of East Lombok regency to cut 2.5 % out of official’s total salary. The implementation of the policy is subjected to all state teachers and officials under the Departments of Religious Affairs and of National Education. After the ratification of the Perda, several problems appear, namely responses of the teachers and Islamic figures and problems influencing the implementation and impacts of the Perda. The study has attained the conclusion. Most state teachers and officials satisfactorily respond the zakah profession, and the Islamic figures accept the Perda concerning the zakah regulation as a part of Islamic Shari’ah. Furthermore, the study also indicates that the existence of the regulation on the zakah management, especially the zakah profession for the government officials in fact can improve the social-economy welfare of the society.

Keywords: zakat, perda, PNS, dan Lombok.

Pola Ijtihad Fatwa Dewan Syari’ah Nasional MUI tentang Produk Perbankan Syari’ah

Rahmani Timorita Yulianti


The following article tries to investigate the main problem concerning the form of intellectual exercise and some background factors that influence on fatwa legislation that conducted by Indonesian Syariah Council (Dewan Syariah Nasional) of the Council of Indonsian Ulama (MUI) regarding syariah banking product. The result of this research revealed that the ijtihad pattern that used is analogical reasoning (ta’lili or qiyasi), and that of public welfare consideration (istislahi). Some factors that involving are to accomodate society willing to avoid the interest, and its instead of it is partnership, the product based on Islamic moral values, preventing invironment destruction and moral decadence

Keywords: ijtihad, fatwa, syariah, ulama, dan pola.

Islamisasi Model al-Faruqi dan Penerapannya dalam Ilmu Ekonomi Islam di Indonesia (Suatu Kritik Epistemik)



The following article tries to investigate the knowledge islamization of al-Faruqi and its implementation in Islamic Economics in Indonesia. But the problem in this connection is does islamization of knowledge can responsible either in term religion or that of academical discourse in particular in economics? In fact, the islamization implementation in muslim economic in Indonesia tends more to supply market demand than that of Islamic Economics as science. Thus, there is the orientation deviation in Islamic Economics in Indonesia from academic to political sphere.

Keywords: islamisasi, al-Faruqi, ekonomi Islam, pasar, dan masyarakat

Evaluation to the Practice of Murabahah in the Operations of Baitul Mal Wattamwil (BMT), Yogyakarta

Nur Kholis


Riset ini merupakan analisis tentang konsep murabahah sebagai salah satu instrumen pembiayaan dalam transaksi Islam dan pelaksanaannya di BMT, Yogyakarta. Tujuan riset ini adalah (1) mengevaluasi praktik pembiayaan murabahah, baik prosedur dan pelaksanaannya di BMT Yogyakarta dan selanjutnya dievaluasi kesesuaian atau tidaknya prosedur dan pelaksanaan pembiayaan murabahah tersebut dengan prinsip-prinsip Syariah. (2) mengevaluasi cara penentuan margin keuntungan dalam kontrak murabahah di BMT Yogyakarta, apakah sama atau berbeda dengan penetapan tingkat bunga di bank konvensional. (3) mengevaluasi sikap dan tindakan pihak BMT apabila terjadi default payment oleh nasabah sesuai waktu yang telah ditetapkan. Riset ini merupakan riset kualitatif yang mengaplikasikan theoretical and empirical methods. Metode analisis reflective thinking dengan kombinasi pola pikir deduksi, induksi dan komparasi diaplikasikan sebagai metode analisis. Hasil riset menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas aspek praktik pembiayaan murabahah di BMT Yogyakarta sesuai dengan Syariah.

Keywords: evaluation, operation, murabahah, BMT.

Pembiayaan Kepemilikan Rumah (Sebuah Inovasi Pembiayaan Perbankan Syari’ah)

Helmi Haris


Islam as a religion, have a significant influence to the Indonesian history, include here in the economic side. It is a fact that Islamic economic institutions, especially Islamic banks, are booming in Indonesia. There are many banks in Indonesia, willing to serve the costumer who want an Islamic banking transaction with the Islamic windows, or known as UUS (unit usaha syari’ah). The question now is, can the the Islamic banks in Indonesia attract the will of the people, that basicly want to gain profit. So, it is a necessary, to the stakeholder of the Islamic bank, to make an innovations in product.

Keywords: pembiayaan, perbankan, syari’ah dan inovasi.

Studi Deskriptif Perilaku Dosen Perguruan Tinggi Islam DIY Dalam Membayar Zakat



The various kinds of muzakki’s behavior and the differences opinions of the “Ulama” (Islamic religion head) in order of delivering “Zakah” are emerging a curiosity of the Islamic high institution’s lecture in Yogyakarta in order of paying “Zakah”. Descriptive analysis was used in arranging this research. The questionnaire used by the writer in collecting data which applied accidental sampling method. The lecture characteristic in this research are men (69%), aged between 30-40 years old (48%), master degree in educational level (Strata II) (70%). The analysis result shown that “Zakah” of wealth calculates 2,5% from the whole wealth which is “nisab”, “Zakah” of income and profession calculates 2,5% from the gross salary, “zakah” of the commerce wealth calculates 2,5% from the whole profit gets, “Zakah” pay in money, it was delivered individually, “Zakah” of wealth and commerce wealth pay annually in the around “Ramadhan”, “Zakah” of incone and profession are pay after received the salary, and it paid throught institution. The muzakki’s behavior which was mentioned are not be in contradiction with the Islamic laws except it concerning with the way of the calculation of the “Zakah” of a commerce wealth which suppose calculating based on the merging of the whole wealth assets. While, for the others behaviors, the Islamic laws gives the “muzakki” freedom to determining his/her “Zakah” payment behavior of course based on the Islamic laws rules and limitations which available.

Keywords: perilaku, zakat, muzakki

Book Review Etika Bisnis dalam Islam

M. Fajar Hidayanto

Buku tulisan Faisal Badroen (selanjutnya penulis) yang berjudul : ”Etika Bisnis Dalam Islam”, mendiskripsikan secara lengkap dan rinci tentang etika bisnis sebagai seperangkat nilai baik, buruk, benar, dan salah dalam dunia bisnis berdasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip moralitas. Bahwa etika bisnis mempunyai prinsip dan norma dimana para pelaku bisnis harus komit padanya dalam bertransaksi, berperilaku, dan berelasi guna mencapai ”daratan” atau tujuan-tujuan bisnisnya dengan selamat : Belajar etika bisnis berarti ”Learning what is right or wrong” yang dapat membenahi seseorang untuk berbuat ”The right thing” yang didasari oleh ilmu, kesadaran, dan kondisi yang berbasis moralitas. Namun terkadang etika bisnis dapat berarti juga etika manajerial (management ethies) atau etika organisasional yang disepakati oleh sebuah perusahaan. Dalam beretika bisnis juga dapat diartikan sebagai pemikiran atau refleksi tentang moralitas dalam ekonomi dan bisnis, yakni refleksi tentang perbuatan baik, buruk, terpuji, tercela, benar, salah, wajar, tidak wajar, pantas, tidak pantas dari perilaku seseorang dalam berbisnis atau bekerja.


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