Jaminan Perundang-undangan tentang Eksistensi Lembaga Keuangan Syari`ah di Indonesia
Muhammad Amin Suma
The author of this article explains that Islamic economics system actually has developed in Indonesia. But because of Dutch Colonized era and the government after, Islamic economics system has been marginalized in Indonesia. In the beginning of 1990s, Islamic economics particularly in monetary system that indicates the operating of Bank Muamalat Indonesia (BMI-Muamalat Bank of Indonesia) in 1992, Lembaga Keuangan Syari’ah (LKBS-Syariah Finance Institution), and Lembaga Keuangan Syari’ah Non Bank (LKSBB-Non-Bank Syariah Finance Institution).These institutions emerge at the time when economic crisis happen in Indonesia. According to the writer of the article the growth of Islamic economics institutions in Indonesia gives hopes. But the problem in the context of those is the legislations that regulate the institution do not appear yet.
Persepsi Masyarakat terhadap Lembaga Keuangan Syariah
Amir Mu’allim
Some of elements in our society have responded the expansive development and growth of syariah banking contemptuously, moreover, among some moslems themselves.The contemptuous view of Islamic banking showed by people’s trust for Syari’ah Banking has been still relatively low. It shown by the moslem participation on investment and capital movement. Indeed, some of moslem intellectuals have criticized syariah banking, they considered of the transactions done by Islamic bankings, even, in contrary with its own-concept. In other words, it’s in compatible with syari’ah spirit. The contemptuous view can’t be separated from capitalism economic that’s been deeply rooted in our society. Learning the problem surrounding syari’ah finance institution and some of its positive value, it’s urgently required for this institution to improve its profesionality, in order to arise its image, next in future it hopefully able to spread wider merciful benefit . The effort increasing profesionality have to more attention of the relationship between syari’ah finance institution and consumers, a commitment of continuous inovation and also a balanced consideration of decision maker research. Operationally, profesionality improvement of syari’ah finance institution able to apply the Criteria Grade of Syariah banking Choice in Yogyakarta as its measurement.
Key words: Persepsi, Pandangan, Lembaga Keuangan Syari’ah, Profesionalitas
Kualifikasi Sumber Daya Manusia di Lembaga Keuangan Syari’ah
Shari’ah Finance Institution has developed progressively nowadays, for instance Shari’ah Banking, Shari’ah Insurance, Shari’ah Exchange,Shari’ah Pawning, and Baitul Mal wat-Tamwil. For that reason, the existence of Shari’ah Finance Institution demands investor and manager those have certainly criteria. The minimum criteria that should be owned by finance institution either from the institution, investor or manager are the credibility and the professionalility. The credibility and professionality become so important because of (1) in order Shari’ah Finance Institution has a competitive advantage, and (2) problem of human resources that indicates the lower professionalities, lower understanding regarding moral and Islamic business ethics , and (3) to increase the professionalities is not only including the skill but also including a moral commitment and business ethic that originated from religion (Islam) as a guidance how to conduct Shari’ah Finance Institution in the future.
Keyword: Lembaga Keuangan Syari’ah; Profesionalitas; Kredibilitas;
Ahmad Supriyadi
This research aims at knowing sub system of law about the finance based on Syariah principle in Indonesia by method normative judicial approach not Islamic jurisprudence approach because the dispute finance have to solve by civil law of Indonesia. The research shows that finance based on Syariah principle have subsystems are profit sharing system, sale system and lease system.
Kualifikasi Manajemen Lembaga Keuangan Menurut Petunjuk Syari’ah
Sofwan Jannah
The sharia finance institution (LKS) can be managed well, if it’s done by professional people who have commitment to Islamic syaria, in order to get guidance of Allah SWT. Appreciation and society belief of syaria finance institution’s activities in Indonesia today. Bank Muamalat Indonesia (BMI) who gets the 7th grade and 13th for Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM) of 62 banks, have given the evidence of the management and work of syaria finance institution arn’t worse then the convensional finace institution.
Lembaga Keuangan Syariah dan Arbitrase Muamalat Indonesia
M. Fajar Hidayanto
Pada era sekarang ini terjadi perubahan baru di kalangan masyarakat Indonesia. perkembangan tingkat religiusitas semakin meningkat. Kebutuhan untuk menghapus dikotomi dan penyakit dualisme mulai dilakukan. Usaha tersebut merupakan upaya untuk menyatukan (islamisasi) ilmu umum dan ilmu agama. Kesemuanya ini dilakukan dalam rangka mengejar ketinggalan masyarakat dengan perkembangan zaman yang semakin cepat, dan tuntutan serta tantangan yang semakin banyak.
Membangun Bursa Efek Syari’ah yang Berkualitas dan Berdaya Saing Tinggi
Muhammad Irfan Shofwani
Stock Exchange Market is one of effective tool to accelerate the development of the country. Stock Exchange Market is one of alternative that can be used by the company to get capital needs. Althoght it has been banking institution, cause of leverage case, the company cannot get the many from bank instituion. Stock exchange market and bank institution have to be good partner. Economic crisis in 1997 had been a moment that realize Indonesian toward the weakness of economic macro and micro. The great of Indonesia development result in New Order era with Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Gross National Product (GNP) indicator was only be deceit power. One of reasons was that our national power bulit on abroad debt, even government or non-government. The situation caused many dificulties when many of investation capital brought out of the country. The market need reformation, need not intervention. This is one of the opprotunies for academist and economist for developing moneter institution based on Syari’ah values. The proof of Bank Muamalat Indonesia (BMI) ability to exist in our banking system, when many others colaps, can be capital to develop Syari’ah economic institutions. Although the total asset of Syari’ah banking only 0,23% of nasional banking asset, but the development shows great signs. As a part of national monetary system, Syari’ah banking needs to be sopported by Islamic Exchange Market.
Bank Islam dan Harapan Umat (Studi atas Kelebihan Bank Islam)
Muhadi Zainuddin
Dalam kata pendahuluannya Umar Chapra mengutip pandangan yang sangat pesimis terhadap masa depan ekonomi dunia, sebagaimana pendapat Helmut Schmit bahwa : ”Ekonomi dunia tengah memasuki suatu fase yang sangat tidak stabil dan masa mendatang sama sekali tidak menentu”. Pandangan tersebut muncul setelah Schmit melakukan analisis dari beberapa kejadian yang melanda saat ini. Dunia mengalami resesi yang mendalam akibat menumpuknya tingkat pengangguran yang semakin hari semakin tak menentu tingginya, tingkat suku bunga riil, fluktuasi nilai tukar yang semakin hari menunjukkan instabilitasnya, besarnya defisit neraca pembayaran yang berujung pada ketidakmampuan negara berkembang membayar kembali utang mereka dan -ini yang sangat mengkhawatirkan semakin memprihatinkannya kemiskinan di banyak negara.
Konsep Pembangunan Ekonomi Islam
Asmuni Mth
The development of economy always emphasizes on the growth aspect without considering moral values prevailing in the society. Looking at the fact, then, Islamic economists conceptualize that the development is focused not only on the material aspect, but also on the moral values. The first is necessary to fulfil the ideal needs of the society, which is namely al-had al-kifayah. On the other hand, the later –moral values aspect- is developed in order to achieve the Blessing of Allah Al-Mighty. In addition, the development of economy is not only to provide higher growth only, but it should also be in line with the justice of the distribution. Thus, the economic growth which is relatively less, is considered good if it is followed by the justice of the distribution. Of all, however, both qualitative and quantitative standards of the economic growth is still ignored by the thoughts of Islamic economists.
Kontrak Kerja antara Kesepakatan dan Tuntutan Pengembangan SDM (Perspektif Ekonomi Islam)
M. Tamyiz Mukharrom
Manusia adalah makhluk sosial. Sudah menjadi kodrat manusia memiliki rasa saling ketergantungan (interdependensi) satu sama lain. Dalam menjalani kehidupan, kebutuhannya terhadap orang lain merupakan keniscayaan sejarah (dharuriyy). Tolong-menolong, bantu-membantu, dan bekerja sama merupakan watak dasar dari kehidupan manusia di dunia. Inilah yang dalam falsafah sosial disebut sebagai sosialitas manusia. Di sinilah terjadi interaksi sosial antar-manusia yang menyangkut aspek ekonomi, sosial, politik, dan kebudayaan.
Nur Kholis
The article below traces how Islamic law anticipates occurring of contemporer problematics according to Ghazali’s Maslahah Mursalah thought. According al-Ghazali, Maslahah Mursalah can be made as an argument for Islamic law determining if it fulfils many requirements: maslahat is suitable with syara’, maslahat is not contrary with al-Qur’an, as-Sunnah, and ijma, and maslahat is existing in daruriyat level or hajiyat that in same level with daruriyat. Maslahah mursalah is not independent dalil that stand alone from al-Qur’an, as-Sunnah, and Ijma’, but it is one of Islamic law istimbat methode. In other word, maslahah mursalah is not resource of Islamic law but methode of Islamic law discovering. Assembling of maslahah mursalah as dalil for Islamic law determining, it makes many moslems contemporer problematics can be known and determined although their law status not mentioned in al-Qur’an and as-Sunnah. So, maslahah mursalah assembling makes Islamic law always appropriate whenever and wherever.
Resensi Buku: Uang dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Islam
Manusia telah mempergunakan berbagai cara untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya. Pada tingkat peradaban yang masih sederhana, manusia melakukan barter -tukar menukar barang. Akan tetapi barter ini mensyaratkan adanya double coincidence of wants dari pihak-pihak yang melakukan barter tersebut. Semakin banyak dan kompleks kebutuhan manusia, semakin sulit melakukan barter sehingga mempersulit transaksi antarmanusia. Oleh karena itu, manusia dari dulu, sudah memikirkan perlunya suatu alat tukar yang dapat diterima oleh semua pihak. Alat tukar demikian disebut uang.