Edisi XVII Tahun 2007

Sekapur Sirih Jurnal Al-Mawarid Edisi XVII Tahun 2007

Implikasi dari disahkannya Undang-Undang Nomor 3 tahun 2006 tentang Perubahan atas Undang-Undang Nomor 7 tahun 1989 mengenai Peradilan Agama, antara lain adalah terjadinya perubahan pada sistem satu atap lembaga peradilan di bawah Mahkamah Agung, dan adanya perubahan dalam hal kompetensi absolut, organisasi, dan ketenagaannya pada institusi peradilan khusus ini.

Pasca perubahan Undang-Undang Peradilan Agama, kompetensi/kewenangan absolutnya menjadi kian berkembang, yakni meliputi masalah: perkawinan, kewarisan, perwakafan, wasiyat, hibah, zakat, infaq, sadaqah, dan ekonomi Syari’ah. Hal ini sesuai dengan tuntutan perkembangan hukum dan kebutuhan hukum masyarakat, khususnya masyarakat muslim. Selain kewenangan di atas, Peradilan Agama juga memiliki tugas lain, yaitu: memberikan isbat kesaksian rukyat hilal dalam penentuan awal bulan dalam tahun hijriyah, serta memberikan keterangan atau nasehat mengenai perbedaan penentuan arah kiblat dan penentuan awal waktu salat.

Untuk merespon perkembangan akibat dari perubahan atas Undang-Undang Peradilan Agama, diperlukan pemikiran dan upaya kreatif dan integral untuk dapat lebih menjamin peningkatan kualitas PA dan peran dari pelaksana kekuasaan kehakiman ini bersama-sama dengan lembaga-lembaga lain yang terkait, seperti Perguruan Tinggi Islam (utamanya fakultas/program studi Syari’ah), sehingga penyiapan sumber daya manusia, penataan kelembagaan, penyempurnaan perangkat hukum dan acaranya, serta pembinaan pada bidang-bidang yang ada menjadi lebih baik dan bedaya guna tinggi.

Atas dasar pertimbangan di atas, jurnal hukum Islam Al-Mawarid edisi XVII ini menampilkan tulisan-tulisan seputar hal di atas, yaitu: 1. Implikasi Revisi UU.No.7/1989 tentang Peradilan Agama dan Langkah strategis bagi praktisi hukum Pengadilan Agama, oleh Andi Syamsu Alam, 2. Penyelesaian Sengketa Ekonomi Syari’ah sebagai Sebuah Kewenangan Baru PA, oleh Rifyal Ka’bah, 3. Human Assesment Peradilan Agama Pasca UU.No. 3/2006, oleh Dadan Muttaqien, 4. Sengketa Ekonomi Syari’ah (Antara Kompetensi PA dan Badan Arbitrase Syari’ah), oleh Rahmani Timorita Yuliani, 5. Formalisasi Hukum Ekonomi Islam: Peluang dan Tantangan (Menyikapi UU.No. 3/2006), oleh M.Rusydi, 6. Menyimak Pemikiran Hukum Islam Satria Effendi, oleh Yusdani, 7. Urgensi Hisab dan Rukyat Pasca UU. No.3/2006 tentang PA, oleh Sofwan Jannah, 8. Islam membangun Masyarakat

Bilateral dan Implikasinya terhadap Hukum Keluarga Islam Indonesia, oleh Khoiruddin Nasution, 9. Sejarah Pergumulan Hukum Islam dan Budaya serta Implikasinya bagi Pembangunan Hukum Islam Indonesia, oleh Fikria Najitama, 10. Perkembangan Eksistensi Peradilan Agama di Indonesia menuju ke Peradilan Satu Atap (Book Review), oleh Ari Wibowo.

Untuk edisi XVIII yang akan datang, Jurnal hukum IslamAl-Mawarid akan mengangkat tema Hukum Ekonomi Islam di Indonesia: Problem, Peluang dan Tantangan. Untuk itu redaksi mengundang berbagai pihak untuk berpartisipasi menyumbangkan tulisannya sesuai dengan tema tersebut.



Formalisasi Hukum Ekonomi Islam: Peluang danTantangan (Menyikapi UU No. 3 Tahun 2006)

M. Rusydi


Islamic economic law constitute the pilot project of islamic law research. This is more significance since the birth of modern Syari’ah financial institutions based on provision of contract law in the sphere of Islamic economic law (muamalat) and also the rapid development of moslem business need the legal status to be implemented to resolve when ever the despute of muamalat contract exist. The formalization of Islamic economic law today, by the enactment of UU No. 3 Tahun 2006 become the most outstanding and rapid development that outweighing what has been formulated before and gives the religious court the widermandate to resolve despute of muamalat contract. This clearly gives the advantage of Moslem society to comply with Syari’ah provision in their daily business activity from one hand, and also gives a challenge to Moslem society to mature this legal status from another. This writing tries to comprehend the formalization of Islamic economic law due to new release of UU No. 3 Tahun 2006 and look it from both perspective: opportunity and challenge.

Kata kunci: hukum, ekonomi, Islam, formalisasi, dan implikasi.

Implikasi Revisi Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 1989 tentang Peradilan Agama dan Langkah Strategis bagi Praktisi Hukum Pengadilan Agama

Andi Syamsu Alam


The Act No. 3 year 2006 revising toward The Act No. 7 year 1989 concerning the religous (Islamic) court constitutes recent development after one roof system of court in Indonesia. Revising the Act No. 7 year 1989 departs from Indonesian senate proposes and initiates. This revising actually implies human resources and human assessment of the religous court in Indonesia. The Religous court faces new jurisdiction, budget, education and training effectevely, preparing syari’ah graduation, law resources, experts of economics law, those of Islamic economics including the banking world and the Syari’ah economics generally. Thus, it needs revitalizing the curricullum of Syari’ah economics either Strata 1 or graduation program (S2) in preparing human resources and human assessment of religous court in Indonesia.

Kata kunci: Peradilan agama, praktisi hukum, ekonomi Syari’ah, SDM, dan kewenangan.

Human Assesment Peradilan Agama Pasca UU No. 3 Tahun 2006

Dadan Muttaqien


Islam denotes religion that regulates the relation between Allah and humankind, this called rituals or ibadah mahdah. Besides, it also teaches that of interhumankind relationship that named social matters relationship or mu’amalah. Either ibadah mahdah or mu’amalah Islamic law constitutes Allah’s blessing for human. Islamic law on mu’amalah in Indonesia develops in accordance with entering Islam in Indonesia until after Indonesian independence. And Islamic law on mu’amalah becomes one of Indonesian living law. Enforcing Islamic Law in Indonesia needs the institution of court thatis the religious, and in this moment it is regulatedaccording to article 10 verses (1) and (2) of Act No.4 year 2004.

Kata kunci: Peradilan agama, ekonomi Syari’ah, Indonesia, SDM dan prodi Syari’ah.

Penyelesaian Sengketa Ekonomi Syari’ah Sebagai Sebuah Kewenangan Baru Peradilan Agama

Rifyal Kabah


Islamic law as a living law in Indonesia has developed in dependence era. The developing of Islamic law indicates for example in term of Islamic court jurisdiction. Islamic court decision departing from fiqh, and its execution should be supported by statecourt. The judges of Islamic court educate based on traditional Syariahand they do not educate based on secular law. Besides, Islamic court organization does not under supreme court. One of the changing of Islamic court recently is enlarging its jurisdiction according to Act No. 3 year 2006 in particular regarding the handling of Islamic Economics cases in Indonesia. The following article tries to investigate the changing and the challenging of Islamic court as one of modern Indonesia for the future.

Kata kunci: Sengketa, kewenangan, ekonomi Syari’ah, peradilan agama, Indonesia.

Sengketa Ekonomi Syari’ah (Antara Kompetensi Pengadilan Agama dan Badan Arbitrase Syari’ah)

Rahmani Timorita Yulianti


The legislating Act No. 3 year 2006 regarding the amending Act No.7 year 1979 concerning Islamic Court in Indonesia has implied the fundamental changing toward the existence of Islamic court nowadays. One of the changing is adding or enlarging of Islamic court jurisdiction for handling Syari’ah economics. According to article 49 (i) of Act No.3 year 2006 declares that Islamic court has jurisdiction to handle the cases of Syari’ah economics. This implies that The judges of Islamic courtshould master Syari’ah economics knowledge.TBut this also influences on the existence of National Syari’ah Abritase council (Badan Abritase Syariah Nasional) in term of Syari’ah economics cases handling.

Kata kunci: Sengketa, kompetensi, arbitrase Syari’ah, dan peradilan agama.

Menyimak Pemikiran Hukum Islam Satria Effendi



The main problem that the writer tries to trace in the following article is Satria Effendi’s Thought of Islamic law. One of the related problem is how to describe Satria Effendi’s theoretical framework and methodology of Islamic law. According to this Islamic law expert to develop Islamic law thought it is urgent need to study the goal of Islamic legislation and public interest especially to response several contemporary problems of Islamic law nowadays. In this context, the using and the integrating or combining the deductive-normative approach model and emphirical-inductive approach model constitutes the necessity because it is a way to produce solutive intellectual exercise in the field of Islamic law.

Keywords: maqasid al-syariah, maslahat, ijtihad dan hukum Islam

Islam Membangun Masyarakat Bilateral dan Implikasinya terhadap Hukum Keluarga Islam Indonesia

Khoiruddin Nasution


Oneaspect of Islam reform is the family system from patrhiarchal to parental system.The model of reform includesthree modelsnamely: deconsruction, reconstruction and that of continuity. And the methodof deconstruction in this context comprises of two kinds totally and step by step process. This article tries to investigate the family law based on bilateralsystem and that of principle and it is expected to apply in Indonesia.Besides, it also offer the role of Islamic law as not only as a social control but also as tool of social enginering.This article also tracesthe concept of family law both the conventional fiqh and the act of marriage in Indonesia as representing the gender bias.

Kata kunci: Fiqh, hukum keluarga, pembaharuan, bilateral, dan undang-undang.

Sejarah Pergumulan Hukum Islam dan Budaya serta Implikasinya bagi Pembangunan Hukum Islam Khas Indonesia

Fikria Najitama


Historically, Islam law and the local culture do not always conflict each other. The local culture has a particular place in formulating Islamic law. This proves in adopting process of local culture of pra Islamic society either Prophetera or the generation after him, for instance era of companion and the founder of Islamic law school. In this sense, Imam Syafi’i has diffrencesopinion qaul qadim (old opinion of law) and qaul jadid (new opinion of law). This phenomenon describes the flexibility of Islamic law faces local cultures. Based on this, it need a new paradigm to Syari’ah enforcement in Indonesia in term of how to implement Syari’ah in Indonesia without abrogating the local culture.

Kata kunci: hukum Islam, budaya, ‘urf, hukum Islam khas Indonesia.

Urgensi Hisab dan Rukyat pasca UU No. 3 Tahun 2006

Sofwan Jannah


After regulating the Act No. 3 year 2006 concerning enlarging Islamic court jurisdiction. Beside the practical astronomy as a tool or instrument for the validity of Moslem rituals also it motivates the judges of Islamic court in order to own the capacity to understand the beginning of Qomariyah months correctly. Islamic practical astronomy can predict the positions for instance those of sun, moon, earth etc. Thus, the graduations of Syari’ah faculty or department have the challenging to study Islamic Economics because the qualification for becoming judge of Islamic court should need much knowledge to handle the cases.

Kata kunci: hisab rukyat, peradilan agama, sdm, ekonomi syari’ah.

Book Review Perkembangan Eksistensi Peradilan Agama di Indonesia Menuju ke Peradilan Satu Atap

Ari Wibowo

Buku yang akan dikaji ini adalah hasil adaptasi dari disertasi dari Achmad Gunaryo pada program Doktor Ilmu Hukum Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP) Semarang. Buku ini memaparkan proses proses politik pergulatan yang dilalui oleh Peradilan Agama di Indonesia sehingga bisa menjadi seperti sekarang. Ada beberapa teori yang sangat terkait dengan pemberlakuan hukum Islam di kalangan masyarakat Indonesia, di mana teori yang satu dengan yang lain sering kali bertolak belakang. Adapun teori teori tersebut antara lain; teori receptie incomplexu, teori receptie, dan teori receptie balik (receptie a contrario)