Vol. IV, No. 1, Juli 2010

Prospek Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Sebagai Representasi Kebangkitan Sistem Ekonomi Islam Di Tengah Konstelasi Ekonomi Internasional

Ulfa Jamilatul Farida


This article aims to oversee the prospect of Islamic Development Bank (IDB) to accelerate the rise of Islamic economic system around the globe. The potential rule of IDB is examined through several international relations theory in library research. The result concludes that IDB has potentially high capacity to be representative of the rise Islamic economic system in the international competition environment. The prosperity and wealth of Muslim nations could be gained only if the network and cooperation among them can be implemented so that integration and political community can be developed as decision maker for Muslim affairs. Through IDB as manifestation of an international Muslim country, an Islamic system can be realized, especially in the economy, but it requires network and loyalty of Muslim countries.

Kata kunci: Islamic Development Bank, globalisasi, ekonomi internasional

Membangun Zakat Sebagai Upaya Membangun Masyarakat



This article aims to analyze the right and contextual uses of zakat as social tools in contemporary Muslim society in which poverty is a common phenomenon. Those who live in poverty suffer many difficulties in improving the quality of their lives. The need for proper education and healthcare decrease their capacity to consume. This situation makes them unable to access more economic resources so that their share of development becomes less. In such economic and social situation, zakat is endorsed as stabilizer and balancer for people living in poor to enable them survive and even sustain and gain strength to compete. For this issue, zakat emerges with a bright future for people development and hence requires a more professional management.

Kata Kunci: zakat, pembangunan, masyarakat

Pengelolaan Zakat Oleh Badan Amil Zakat Daerah Kabupaten / Kota Se Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (Studi terhadap Implementasi Undang-Undang No.38 Tahun 1999 Tentang Pengelolaan Zakat)

M. Sularno


This research is aimed to analyze the management of zakah conducted by Regional Zakah Organization or Badan Amil Zakat Daerah (abbreviated BAZDA) in Yogyakarta Special Province. Management of zakah by BAZDA is evaluated to meet the legal requirements of Act No. 38 of 1999 on Management of Zakah and Ministry of Religion Affairs Decree No 373 of 2003 on Implementation of Management of Zakah Act. The result indicates that BAZDAs in Yogyakarta Special Province have fulfilled the above laws in institutional organizing, administration, collecting, distributing, and utilizing the benefit of zakah. At some point, some weaknesses arise mainly in the fact that the member of organizations does his job additional one, the lack of standardized reward system, the lack of board of controller and permanent office, a very limited muzakki awareness on BAZDAs as zakah organizations so that they pay directly to mustahiq, .and the lack of zakah regulation.

Keywords : Badan Amil Zakat Daerah, Undang-undang Pengelolaan Zakat, Pengumpulan zakat, dan distribusi zakat.

Manajemen Zakat Pasca Kebijakan Pemerintah Tentang Zakat Sebagai Pengurang Penghasilan Kena Pajak



This research is taken in order to analyze the implementation of zakat and tax policy in Indonesia as well as to discuss management changes in zakah organization after a new policy regulated in 2003 was implemented. The research is a field research using the documentation, interviews, and literacy study as method to obtain data. The data then will be analyzed using descriptive and interpretative method. The subjects of the research are BAZIS of DIY Province and KPP Pratama Yogyakarta as representative zakah and tax organization based on purposive sampling method. The result shows that government policy has been applied in the Zakah Administration Organization and Tax Services Office in accordance with the regulations in the Act. Zakah management does not change after this policy compared to before it presence. Although the amount of funds collected decreases, the cause was from external factor, i.e. the splitting of the zakah administration organization in DIY into the six organizations.

Keywords: Management, Zakah, Tax, Policy.

Wakaf Produktif Dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Islam

Fahmi Medias


This article is aimed to oversee the rule and significance of cash waqf in Indonesia as a new social tool to alleviate poverty. Library research is employed to analyze the development of cash waqf in Indonesia. Cash waqf is introduced as a new concept of waqf to solve many social problems in society. In Indonesia it has been legalized by both Islamic scholar and national law so that Muslims have a chance to maximize its utilization. To improve and extend cash waqf functions for social purposes it is important to every waqf organization to develop its human resources capacity, mainly in its professionalism, commitment, and understanding of cash waqf importance for development.

Kata kunci: Waqaf tunai, Waqaf produktif, Ekonomi Islam

Wakaf Tunai Sebagai Alternatif Mekanisme Redistribusi Keuangan Islam

Syafrudin Arif


Waqf itself is a principle that entails generous applications in developing the non-profit, nongovernmental sector and increasing the quantity of welfare services to improve socio-economic welfare of a society. This provides justification for theoretical studies of the application of Awqaf and the development of their properties in Muslim countries and communities. The cash waqf is expected to be an alternative instruments for the poverty alleviation programs. In the Islamic socioeconomic concept, there is a source of social fund that is economically and politically free of charge, namely cash waqf. The objective of the paper is to investigate how this institution can be used in contemporary times to solve economic problems in Muslim society, especially in Indonesia. It is believed that if the potency of waqf is empowered by productive method, it will give more contribution to redistribute assets and opportunities, capacity building and wealth creation, and to extend income support.

Kata kunci: wakaf tunai, potensi, redistributif, kemiskinan (cash waqf, potentiallity, redistributive, poverty)

Bunga Bank : Abdullah Saeed vs Yusuf Qaradhawi (Sebuah Dialektika Pemikiran antara Kaum Modernis dengan Neo-Revivalis)



This article aims to discuss the term of riba in the modernist and neo-revivalists thought as represented in Abdullah Saeed and Yusuf Qaradhawi different opinion on it. The difference between the modernist and neo-revivalists in usury problem stems from differences in the understanding and interpretation of the verses of the Koran that speak about it. Contextuality of the modernists put the text forward the law, so that the conventional view that bank interest is not the same as usury, while the neo-revivalist view that the problem of usury should be seated as a final assessment as mentioned in the Koran, in which each of the additional capital is usury and haram.

Keyword: Riba, interest, Modernis, Revivalis.

Resensi Buku: Format Keuangan Publik yang Islami

Fajar Hidayanto

Bahwa ekonomi Islam sebagai salah satu disiplin ilmu berbasis ajaran dan nilai-nilai Islam, ternyata mengalami perkembangan sangat pesat justru pada saat ekonomi neoliberal telah menjadi mainstream global. Perkembangan tersebut ditandai dengan studi ekonomi Islam yang telah diajarkan di Negara-negara muslim dan beberapa universitas di Eropa, USA dan Australia.Perkembangan sistem ekonomi Islam juga ditandai dengan lahirnya lembaga perbankan dan lembaga keuanan Islam non bank di belahan dunia.